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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
Athroniaeth Crefydd 4: Darn Ymchwil 1b

Athroniaeth Crefydd 4: Darn Ymchwil 1b

Adnoddau addysgu i gefnogi uned RS3 PHIL: Astudio Athroniaeth Crefydd manyleb A2 CBAC. Mae’r deunyddiau yn ymdrin yn benodol ag agweddau o Destun 1 ' A yw ffydd grefyddol yn rhesymol?' a hynny yn benodol o ran datguddiad, ffydd a rheswm. Gellir defnyddio’r adnoddau i addysgu’r dosbarth cyfan neu fel deunydd sbardun wrth baratoi traethodau.
Athroniaeth Crefydd 3: Cysyniadau Datguddiad

Athroniaeth Crefydd 3: Cysyniadau Datguddiad

Adnoddau addysgu i gefnogi uned RS3 PHIL: Astudio Athroniaeth Crefydd manyleb A2 CBAC. Mae’r deunyddiau yn ymdrin yn benodol ag agweddau o Destun 1 ' A yw ffydd grefyddol yn rhesymol?' a hynny yn benodol o ran datguddiad, ffydd a rheswm. Gellir defnyddio’r adnoddau i addysgu’r dosbarth cyfan neu fel deunydd sbardun wrth baratoi traethodau.
Athroniaeth Crefydd:Safbwynt y Gwirfoddoliaethwyr

Athroniaeth Crefydd:Safbwynt y Gwirfoddoliaethwyr

Adnoddau addysgu i gefnogi uned RS3 PHIL: Astudio Athroniaeth Crefydd manyleb A2 CBAC. Mae’r deunyddiau yn ymdrin yn benodol ag agweddau o Destun 1 ' A yw ffydd grefyddol yn rhesymol?' a hynny yn benodol o ran datguddiad, ffydd a rheswm. Gellir defnyddio’r adnoddau i addysgu’r dosbarth cyfan neu fel deunydd sbardun wrth baratoi traethodau.
Athroniaeth Crefydd 1: Y Ddadl Ontolegol

Athroniaeth Crefydd 1: Y Ddadl Ontolegol

Adnoddau addysgu i gefnogi uned RS3 PHIL: Astudio Athroniaeth Crefydd manyleb A2 CBAC. Mae’r deunyddiau yn ymdrin yn benodol ag agweddau o Destun 1 ' A yw ffydd grefyddol yn rhesymol?' a hynny yn benodol o ran datguddiad, ffydd a rheswm. Gellir defnyddio’r adnoddau i addysgu’r dosbarth cyfan neu fel deunydd sbardun wrth baratoi traethodau.
Philosophy of Religion 4: Research Task 1b

Philosophy of Religion 4: Research Task 1b

Teaching materials from NGfL Cymru to support the WJEC A2 RS3 PHIL: Studies in Philosophy of Religion. The material covers aspects of Topic 1 'Is religious faith rational?' specifically, revelation, faith and reason. It can be used for whole class teaching as well as for prompt material in preparation for essay work.
Philosophy of Religion 3:  Types of Revelation

Philosophy of Religion 3: Types of Revelation

Teaching materials from NGfL Cymru to support the WJEC A2 RS3 PHIL: Studies in Philosophy of Religion. The material covers aspects of Topic 1 'Is religious faith rational?' specifically, revelation, faith and reason. It can be used for whole class teaching as well as for prompt material in preparation for essay work.
Philosophy of Religion 2: Voluntarist Views

Philosophy of Religion 2: Voluntarist Views

Teaching materials from NGfL Cymru to support the WJEC A2 RS3 PHIL: Studies in Philosophy of Religion. The material covers aspects of Topic 1 'Is religious faith rational?' specifically, revelation, faith and reason. It can be used for whole class teaching as well as for prompt material in preparation for essay work.
Philosophy of Religion 1: Anselm's Argument

Philosophy of Religion 1: Anselm's Argument

Teaching materials from NGfL Cymru to support the WJEC A2 RS3 PHIL: Studies in Philosophy of Religion. The material covers aspects of Topic 1 'Is religious faith rational?' specifically, revelation, faith and reason. It can be used for whole class teaching as well as for prompt material in preparation for essay work.
9. Gwyliau a dathliadau

9. Gwyliau a dathliadau

Cyfres o weithgareddau rhyngweithiol yn tanlinellu gwaith sefydliad elusennol yn yr ardaloedd o Sri Lanka a effeithiwyd gan y Tsunami. Mae'r adnodd yn cynnwys delweddau, tasgau datrys problemau a thasgau traws gwricwlaidd ac fe ellir golygu pob un ffeil i gwrdd ag anghenion a gallu eich disgyblion.
9. Festivals and celebrations

9. Festivals and celebrations

This lesson is part of a set of interactive activities detailing the work of a charity organisation in the Tsunami affected areas of Sri Lanka. The resource contains images, problem solving tasks and cross-curricular tasks and all files can be edited to suit the needs and ability of your children. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.


A collection of resources revolving around Easter. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
The Big Questions

The Big Questions

A collection of resources exploring the ideas of Faith. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Is it fair?

Is it fair?

Teaching materials supporting WJEC Religious Studies, Specification B, Option A Religion and Life Issues. The first in a series activities dealing with the theme of Is It Fair? These activities cover the aspect of Prejudice and Discrimination. There will be more to follow.
Is it fair?

Is it fair?

Teaching materials supporting WJEC Religious Studies, Specification B, Option A Religion and Life Issues. The first in a series activities dealing with the theme of Is It Fair? These activities cover the aspect of Prejudice and Discrimination. There will be more to follow.
School policies and religion: Web Guide

School policies and religion: Web Guide

A resource providing a web guide to teaching a unit based on religious issues conflicting with school policy. These contain activities which are developed primarily as a speaking and listening resource but there are many opportunities for reading and writing also.
who is Jesus?

who is Jesus?

A comprehensive resource covering the person and his teachings as well as people affected by him Medium term plans for learning about who Jesus is.